Jessica Boone

  • Homemade Perfect Bars Recipe: How to Make a Delicious Snack the Whole Family Will Love!

    Homemade Perfect Bars Recipe: How to Make a Delicious Snack the Whole Family Will Love!

    My family loves a yummy snack, especially when we can make it at home! Here’s a recipe that’s super simple to throw together, packed with protein and natural ingredients, and gives you a sweet little chocolate fix. I love picking up the 4-pack chocolate chip perfect bars at the store,…

  • What’s a Healthy Alternative for Bread: Simple Swaps You Can Make

    What’s a Healthy Alternative for Bread: Simple Swaps You Can Make

    I’m sure you’ve heard all the rage about cutting carbs and processed flour from your diet. In the modern world, that’s a lot easier said than done. What can we eat instead? In reality, what’s a healthy alternative for bread? Why should we cut down on highly processed foods, like…

  • Tips for a Tidy Home: 4 Simple Steps to Keeping Your House In Order

    Tips for a Tidy Home: 4 Simple Steps to Keeping Your House In Order

    We have a family of 6. Right now, my kids range from 4 to 13 (my oldest will be 14 in a few more days). If we don’t make keeping the house clean a priority, things just get dumped and dropped all in the front of the house. I really…

  • The Perfect Plate of Food: A Simple But Revolutionary Concept to Fixing the Perfect Plate Every Single Time

    The Perfect Plate of Food: A Simple But Revolutionary Concept to Fixing the Perfect Plate Every Single Time

    Shhhh! I’m about to let you in on a secret that has helped me eat healthy meals without “dieting”, without counting macros, and without stressing. “The perfect plate of food” is something you can do while eating out in a restaurant. You can plan dinners around this concept. I now…

  • How To Make The Best Choices: What is a Whole Foods Based Diet?

    How To Make The Best Choices: What is a Whole Foods Based Diet?

    For years, I thought being healthy meant going for a run and not eating quite as many desserts. My normal week might only consist of one desert, but I was eating cereal or pop tarts for breakfast and hot pockets or sandwiches on processed white bread for lunch. I knew…

  • Make Time for What You Love

    Make Time for What You Love

    I totally get it. As a mom of 4 with a never-ending to do list, me-time doesn’t just magically happen. We all want to be at our best! When we’re feeling stressed or depressed or just plain busy, it’s often because we’re not taking time to do things we enjoy.…

  • 11 of My Favorite Yummy Easy Snack Ideas

    11 of My Favorite Yummy Easy Snack Ideas

    Sometimes we all get a little “snacky”. How do we take our snacking to a healthier level? Two simple steps are to choose snacks that are good for our body and to plan for our “snack attacks”. This is why I wanted to share some yummy easy snack ideas with…

  • What Are Some Great Alternatives to Processed Sugar?

    What Are Some Great Alternatives to Processed Sugar?

    How can we enjoy sweet things but still choose healthier alternatives? Which sugar substitutes are healthier for our bodies? Let’s just admit it…we ALL love sugar! Whether it’s a rich, deep chocolate treat or a decadent cookie or southern sweet tea or honey on a piece of fresh bread, sugar…