I totally get it. As a mom of 4 with a never-ending to do list, me-time doesn’t just magically happen. We all want to be at our best! When we’re feeling stressed or depressed or just plain busy, it’s often because we’re not taking time to do things we enjoy. How can you start to make time for what you love?
What’s the Key?
Figure out what makes you feel refueled, what you enjoy, what fills you up, and do more of those things!
This is easier said than done. It means planning time for you or taking a spontaneous moment to enjoy the world around you.
For example, I stepped outside yesterday afternoon and had SO many things to do. The kids’ school was mostly complete but I hadn’t touched the house, and I only had a few hours until I had to go somewhere. While I was standing in the yard, the sun felt so warm and the pool looked so inviting. On a normal day, I would have easily decided: I didn’t plan to get in the pool today; I just don’t have time. Instead, I hollered to the kids, “Anyone who wants to get in, get your swimsuit on.” I floated in the pool and read for one full hour. I didn’t have all afternoon, but I could make time for one hour.

How Does This Look in Real Life?
Does this mean, drop everything in life and do only the fun stuff? Not really. The important thing is: when was the last time you did something fun, something you enjoyed? This should be a part of your life. If not, then what’s the point? If you’re running from one thing to another, accomplishing things, but not refueling your mind or enjoying the small things, then what have you accomplished at the end of the day?
This is different for everyone. Some things I enjoy require work and time, like coaching my daughter’s volleyball team or teaching a class to children in our homeschool group. Some things are as simple as sipping a cup of coffee or eating a bite of chocolate. It’s vital that you figure out what you enjoy.

Here’s a Few Ideas:
Everybody is different. Feel free to substitute in things that make you feel happy or complete or refueled and ready to conquer the world. There is no comprehensive list. It is truly about making time for what YOU love!
-Playing a musical instrument or listening to music.
-Floating in the pool, sitting at the beach, or soaking in the hot tub (or a hot bath).
-Lighting a candle or getting a diffuser going with essential oils to make your house feel cozy.
-Going for a walk or working out.
-Going on a date with the one you love or taking time to go out for brunch with your best friend.
-Jotting down a few of the top things you’re thankful for.
-Snuggling with your family for a good movie.
-Taking time to pray and read God’s Word.
-Traveling somewhere you love or exploring somewhere new.
This List Looks Different for Everyone
That’s why you have to make time for what you love. The important thing isn’t that you do everything on this list. Figure out what you enjoy. Start making a written list of things that make you feel fulfilled or that you genuinely love doing. Then, start incorporating those into your daily life.
This is the challenging part. We ALL have the excuse of being “too busy.” Are we really too busy to refuel so we can be at our best? Are we really too busy to take a moment to enjoy life and be grateful for what’s around us? If we don’t take some time for ourselves, then we will never be our best for everyone around us. How can you do more of your favorite things today? I challenge you to take the steps necessary to make more of these moments starting today!